Pistacchio and the ‘surprise’ boxes

"Pasenmelon" howled as he wrote with the header and the volume of "Quantum Field Theory" by Itzykson and Zuber. About 8 Portuguese gallows (hired exclusively for the task) were subjected to her, the human resources...

Why are more and more Argentines choosing digital currencies to pay and save?

  iPrUP | Innovation | In first person It is estimated that there are currently more than 100 million people in the world who are using cryptocurrencies to buy products or hire services, to rent, acquire...

Meet Nicolás Tiseira

Knowing our team. We present Nicolás Tiseira, Leader of the Argentina Technology Hub, of the N5 team, who tells us a little about his life at N5

Interview with Federico Dudelsack, Project Manager

Meet our team! Federico Dudelsack, Project Manager at N5 tells us about his experience in the company, how he came to the company and details about his day to day.

Pistacchio Asks … 2!

Question: Pistacchio finds 100 million dollars in his pants pocket and decides to invest it. He buys shares for 99 million dollars and keeps 1 million dollars in cash (that is, at the beginning of...

Pistacchio Asks

Question Pistacchio is training for the ironcat and has to run from our office in Mexico City to Puebla ROUND TRIP, at an average speed of 50 kms per hour. The issue is that on the...

Investments with Anibal Wadih, founder of GEF Capital

Learning About Investments and Relationships with Anibal Wadih Today at N5 CIZ meet Anibal Wadih, founder of GEF Capital. Discover his life from his humble beginnings as the son of Syrian expatriates to his experience...

Biga Data – Concept

Did you know that more than 500 terabytes of new data is inserted into Facebook databases every day? These data are mostly photos, videos, exchanges of messages and comments. Janete Ribeiro answers this and other questions in this episode of Big Data.