N5 Insights

5 claves del Open Banking en el Mundo

Conoce las etapas del desarrollo, factores y variables de la implementación del Open Banking en el mundo.

What is the importance of Open Insurance in Latin America?

Discover the 5 keys to understanding the new business model: Open Insurance. And how insurers can increase their sales and their efficiency

Cryptocurrencies: technology with more than 100 million users

5 datos sobre la tecnología de criptomonedas. Descubre cómo han influido en la economía mundial e incluso en la finanzas personales.

5 Claves para entender las Big Tech y su peso financiero

Conoce más sobre las Big Tech y cómo están cambiando las reglas del juego en la finanzas globales

Why are Fintech companies gaining ground in Latin America?

There are currently more than 1000 Fintech established in the region. Discover the projections and whether or not they represent a threat to traditional banking

Why are Fintech companies gaining ground in Latin America?

Actualmente hay más de 1000 Fintech establecidas en la región. Descubre las proyecciones y si representan o no una amenaza para la banca tradicional

5 tips on Alternative Credit Scoring and its financial impact

What is Credit Scoring about? How did a banking giant in Indonesia use it to grow by 107% in the amount of loans granted? Find out

China has the largest Fintech market in the world

Did you know that China has the largest Fintech market in the world? Graciela Urdaneta answers this question with the 5 Insights of this episode

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