5 points of attention for banks in this 2023


Humanizing Banking

Digital Transformation through Strategic Innovation

Let’s reflect…

1) If 84% of Gen Z feel that technology has a direct impact on the way they approach financial management

Why not help them with the intelligent generation of investment offers, profitable, that generate trust and therefore a permanence generated by the contribution of value as a client?

2) If 57% of young bank customers report that it is incredibly important to them that their bank or credit union help them improve their financial well-being.

Why not generate an intelligent management of their personal finances, teaching or allowing them to generate an annual budget with suggestions by item based on their consumption history and even savings pockets for their vacations, or a vehicle or even their electric skateboard or smartphone. Simple solutions for the lives of consumers

3) If 67% of millennials and 90% of Gen Z are willing to turn to big tech and non-banking companies for better banking technology and faster banking services.

Isn’t it time to redefine customer journeys, with less friction and better experiences?

4) If 58% of millennials want their bank to offer them more personalized advice and solutions to help them succeed financially

It would not be convenient to find a CRM specialized in the industry that, using artificial intelligence models, allows us to generate 1 to 1 human advisory relationships through the customer’s preferred channel, this can be a mix between the digital and the human. The client wants to do the operations where he wants, when he wants and how he wants. Being digital is not synonymous with being non-human.

5) If 83% of Gen Z and 78% of millennials are frustrated with traditional banking processes

Enhancing the micro-moments in the lives of customers is the key to a process of transformation and paradigm shift in the creation of new products and/or services. The client is crying out for a change in the way of looking at him, taking care of him and serving him. This is the key moment to change and not lose them to the attractive opportunities offered by Fintech and bigtechs.

Let’s reflect together on these needs expressed by consumers in order to be able to redefine marketing strategies, redefine new products and above all create new forms of relationship.

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