5 claves del Open Banking en el Mundo

Conoce las etapas del desarrollo, factores y variables de la implementación del Open Banking en el mundo.

What is the importance of Open Insurance in Latin America?

Discover the 5 keys to understanding the new business model: Open Insurance. And how insurers can increase their sales and their efficiency

Maldito e-mail: 8,5 malas prácticas con el correo electrónico (2/2)

Parte 2!!! El título habla por sí solo. Cualquier persona que utilice email tiene que leer esta nueva entrada de Alberto!

How to climb in a company one photocopy at a time, or the legend of the drummer cat

We were 33 in an auditorium for a thousand people. The president of the largest financial group in Europe, on a two-day trip to Latin America, fulfilled his rigorous routine of dedicating an hour to...

How to play in the NBA or why no one is truly happy working in technology II

In this post, our CEO continues to tell us about his analogy between NBA basketball and technology employees.

Podcast Banks & Fintechs S2 Ep.2 – Marcelo Pessoa

Special chat with Ricardo Raposo, Data & Analytics Director at B3 Ricardo Raposo is without a doubt one of the most incredible Data and Analytics professionals in the Brazilian financial market. This chat is a must

Podcast Banks & Fintechs S1 Ep.13 – Marcelo Pessoa

We spoke with Rodrigo Cury, Head of BTG+ Rodrigo Cury currently leads BTG+, one of the most promising digital banks on the market.

Cryptocurrencies: technology with more than 100 million users

5 datos sobre la tecnología de criptomonedas. Descubre cómo han influido en la economía mundial e incluso en la finanzas personales.

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