March 2020 views on life after COVID-19

In a session coordinated by Gabriela Ruggeri from Kamay Ventures, Matías Tombolini and Julián Colombo share their opinions and predictions through this interesting panel of Q&A.

Why are Fintech companies gaining ground in Latin America?

There are currently more than 1000 Fintech established in the region. Discover the projections and whether or not they represent a threat to traditional banking

Why are Fintech companies gaining ground in Latin America?

Actualmente hay más de 1000 Fintech establecidas en la región. Descubre las proyecciones y si representan o no una amenaza para la banca tradicional

5 tips on Alternative Credit Scoring and its financial impact

What is Credit Scoring about? How did a banking giant in Indonesia use it to grow by 107% in the amount of loans granted? Find out

China has the largest Fintech market in the world

Did you know that China has the largest Fintech market in the world? Graciela Urdaneta answers this question with the 5 Insights of this episode

Workshop XAI – AI Explainable

The large-scale implementation of Machine Learning models in all layers of society is essential to accelerate the transformation of the world into a more just place. In addition, there are "neural networks" that are...

Maldito e-mail: 8,5 malas prácticas con el correo electrónico (1/2)

El título habla por sí solo. Cualquier persona que utilice email tiene que leer esta nueva entrada de Alberto!

The Power of Humility: Key to Success in the Modern Work Environment

Discover how humility and a low profile become essential tools for success in the contemporary workplace in our latest article. Learn why these qualities not only improve team dynamics but also drive personal and professional growth. Dive in in-depth discussion and enrich your perspective on the value of maintaining a humble attitude at work.

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