How banking is today in Latin America. Find out the percentage of people who have access to a bank account, holding credit or debit cards. How many of them can access credit? How does this affect individuals and PYMES?
Do you already know the regulations of the Central Bank of Brazil? Remember that you can download all the summaries, month by month, here.
We especially thank JCMF Consulting for their collaboration
Despite the irruption of technology in the financial industry, more and more digital banks are beginning to appoint an account executive for their most valuable clients. What causes are leading them to combine the best of both worlds?
Our CEO, Julián Colombo, CEO N5, participated in the panel How to integrate the unbanked within the framework of the Digital Money Meeting event. In it, he debated with other renowned professionals to reflect on fintechs and financial inclusion
Keys to know the expectations of Open Finance and Open Banking in Latin America. Learn about the projections in the financial technology industry