5 Claves para entender las Big Tech y su peso financiero

Conoce más sobre las Big Tech y cómo están cambiando las reglas del juego en la finanzas globales

“Rebellious” Argentine businessmen

The curious business model of N5, the software factory that develops technology for financial entities, fintech and insurance companies, attracted investors and technology companies but the founders rejected their offers. Who are the seven...

Meet Cibelle Luna

We introduce you to one of our teammates! Get to know Cibelle in this video in which we ask her about life at N5 as CFO in Brazil

Meet Vaneska Hernández

We introduce you to one of our teammates! Get to know Vaneska in this video in which we ask her about life at N5 as a QA Analyst.

What is the B2C trap and what is its effect on the Financial Industry?

September 2020 The team asked our CEO a series of questions. In this issue, he shares some of the results of one of the studies carried out by our Research team.

How was n5 born?

August 2020 The team asked our CEO a series of questions. In this delivery, a special edition for the birthday of N5

How can we aspire to have a better product than the competition, if we are much smaller?

September 2020 The team asked our CEO a series of questions. In this installment, they consulted the positioning of N5

What is the difference between running a consolidated traditional company and a fintech company?

July 2020 The team asked our CEO a series of questions. In this installment, banking and analytical models