Marketing of performance

Workshop given by Professor Janete Ribeiro Episode I

Marketing de performance: Onboarding

Workshop given by Professor Janete Ribeiro Episode II

Happy Birthday Pistacchio!!

Pistacchio loves to celebrate its birthday. Depending on your mood, you can either embark on celebrations oozing with luxury and exaltation, or settle for more ascetic, modest, and mundane events. Yesterday, for example, undecided between waste...

Role of Women as CEO in technology

Learn about the experiences that formed María Laura Palacios, current CEO of G&L Group and her vision on the role of women in the technology industry

What do you like most about your day to day at N5?

March 2021 The team asked Julián Colombo, CEO of N5, about his tastes. Let's see the answers in this new installment

Pistacchio talks …sex

Pistacchio and sex Pistacchio likes statistics only less than being outraged at people who don't understand them, so every time a “University of Wisconsin study reveals…” story is published, he rubs his paws.   A few days...

Pistacchio and a new mathematical challenge

Pistacchio is an admirer of Greek culture in all its expressions, from contributions to classical philosophy and Alexandrian Pan-Hellenism to the super vanilla yogurt and Jennifer Aniston's original nose. But nothing excites him more than...

Company opens more than 100 jobs

N5 was named Microsoft's "Startup of the Year" and is hiring for fully remote positions   N5, a software company for fintechs and banks, will start the year by increasing its global team: there are more...