Excelence vs Success

O que essas três pessoas têm em comum? Compartilhamos com vocês a palestra de Julián Colombo à equipe da Fundación Dondé no âmbito do movimento "MÁS QUE NUNCA".

“The Welsh Road sign” o Por qué los bancos fracasan haciendo analítica de clientes PARTE 2

El protagonista de esta tercera historia, como ya anunciaba en el capítulo pasado, es el CEO global de uno de los mayores bancos del mundo. Además de ser un ejecutivo de evidente éxito, lo...

Getting to know… Fernando Lopez Iervasi, CEO of Microsoft Argentina

The person behind the CEO: Julián Colombo and Fernando Lopez Iervasi will talk about their experiences, anecdotes and experiences. Join us in this experience!

API Management: Functional solutions for digital products

We provide solutions to companies seeking exposure, protection and management of their backend applications, network systems or infrastructures API MANAGEMENT   Our industry leading solutions offer unmatched flexibility, performance and security. Building on its industry-leading SOA application...

How to create the startup of the year following advice from TV.

Microsoft chose N5 Now as startup of the year in Latin America and the Caribbean and the region's press echoed the news (thanks scope, iproup, infotechnology, la voz de chile, Yahoo News, Investing and...

5 Claves para entender las Big Tech y su peso financiero

Conoce más sobre las Big Tech y cómo están cambiando las reglas del juego en la finanzas globales

“Rebellious” Argentine businessmen

The curious business model of N5, the software factory that develops technology for financial entities, fintech and insurance companies, attracted investors and technology companies but the founders rejected their offers. Who are the seven...

Meet Cibelle Luna

We introduce you to one of our teammates! Get to know Cibelle in this video in which we ask her about life at N5 as CFO in Brazil