Web Analytics: User Behavior and Journey

Learn how to analyze user behavior on your channels and transform this knowledge into a digital marketing strategy

Modern data architecture on 3 clouds

Obtenga más información sobre las diferentes soluciones de almacenamiento de datos disponibles en el mercado y cómo usarlas

Much more than a CRM

A CRM (Customer Relationship Management) is essential in the financial industry for several fundamental reasons that I am going to list. Firstly, it is a highly competitive sector where customer retention and satisfaction are...

How ChatGPT is changing the rules of the game in the financial industry

La inteligencia artificial (IA) está transformando rápidamente la forma en que se realizan las operaciones en el sector financiero.

Learn 5 strategies to reduce fraud in the financial sector through the use of Artificial Intelligence.

Financial institutions constantly face challenges related to the fight against fraud, and Artificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged as a powerful ally in this scenario.

Digital banking: fintechs’ quest to reach the least included sectors

The country shows an increase in startups dedicated to financial products and services, a growth that expands opportunities to segments with difficulties in accessing traditional offerings.

Innovación financiera: ¿por qué los grandes bancos no innovan como las fintechs?

By Julián Colombo Julian Colombo is fundador y CEO de N5 La innovación se ha convertido en una piedra angular del mundo empresarial en los últimos años y el sector financiero no es una excepción. Las fintech...

Argentine startup expands with contributions from JP Morgan and Citi Group

N5, the company founded in the United States by an Argentine entrepreneur, helps to make the operations of financial companies profitable. It is in 15 countries and is already growing at 200% per year SERGIO...