Pistacchio and the largest ball of wool in the world

Pistacchio was teaching Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos how to play Kerbal when Alfred, his private secretary, came in: “Sir, your order has arrived. The largest ball of wool in the world ” Pistacchio threw the...

Pistacchio and surprise boxes

“Pasenmelón” howled as he wrote with the header and the volume of "Quantum Field Theory" by Itzykson and Zuber. About 8 Portuguese gallows (hired exclusively for the task) were subjected to her, the human...

Pistacchio and the annual N5 party!

Pistacchio was hacking WhatsApp with 4 lines of code when he remembered that he had to organize the annual N5 Now Colombia party. He dreamed of traveling again to one of his beloved destinations, and...

Pistacchio, maths and logic

When Pistacchio isn't interviewing candidates for N5Now or mentally solving the Riemann hypothesis, he spends time on his favorite social activities: “Swiping left” on tinder, and giving lousy life advice to his friends.One of...

Pistacchio and the ‘surprise’ boxes

"Pasenmelon" howled as he wrote with the header and the volume of "Quantum Field Theory" by Itzykson and Zuber. About 8 Portuguese gallows (hired exclusively for the task) were subjected to her, the human resources...

Pistacchio Asks … 2!

Question: Pistacchio finds 100 million dollars in his pants pocket and decides to invest it. He buys shares for 99 million dollars and keeps 1 million dollars in cash (that is, at the beginning of...

Pistacchio Asks

Question Pistacchio is training for the ironcat and has to run from our office in Mexico City to Puebla ROUND TRIP, at an average speed of 50 kms per hour. The issue is that on the...



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