Julián Colombo, from N5 Now: “The digital banks that are turning towards the human are the ones that have the best chance of making...

Although fintechs have taught that the financial industry can be friendly to consumers, the CEO of the consulting firm N5 Now assures that traditional banking still faces challenges to improve customer retention, such as...

Virtual Money and Bancarization in Latin America by Julian Colombo

Learn about Virtual Money trends and the state of Banking in Latin America by Julian Colombo, CEO of N5 Now

“Virtual wallets lose money”

The arrival of the pandemic put in the public eye the fintechs that began to gain territory in the national and regional market. Currently, in our country, there are 34 companies that provide this financial service, but how profitable is this business?

Julian Colombo: Trends in Fintechs 2022

What are the trends for Fintech? Can Blockchain technologies make financial software more democratic? Get to know the vision of Julian Colombo, CEO of N5 Now

Latest regulations of the Central Bank of Brazil

BCB RESOLUTION No. 155, OF OCTOBER 14, 2021 Provides for principles and procedures to be adopted in the relationship with customers and users of products and services by consortium administrators and payment institutions authorized to...

Interview for the POSTA program in Córdoba

Julian Colombo interviewed by Juan Bernau and Diego Javier Marconetti for the program ¨Posta¨ on Canal C in Córdoba.

Digital services

Facebook, Google and Amazon vs banks: the 5 keys that put Big Tech at the forefront

A year of Pix

How big is the transformation in the financial system? When the Central Bank announced the new Brazilian instant payment system, the famous Pix, many speculations and discussions about what would be the impact of this...

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