Some time ago, after a blog article, several people asked me to explain "the pocket and evernote thing". They found it interesting to know how he could digest large amounts of information and not...
In this article, our CEO, Julián shares with us how his curiosity and knowledge of statistics led him to create an analogy between NBA basketball and technology employees.
Learn about our predictions for payment processing through smart devices, smartphones and wearables with new features
The future of mobile payment processing
Will you be paying for goods with a smile in the future?
The idea of...
IDEAS, según Tom Ze y su destino
Una idea al principio no pesa, no ocupa casi sitio en la cabeza, es un elemento pobre. Vas con ella encima a todas horas, vives con ellas, y...
Get to know our team! Carlos Colombo, Risk Directorat N5 shares his experiences in the company, context insight and even some advice for those starting off their careers!
It's been a long time since I wrote the article on Parkinson's law. Yes, that sentence that states that "work expands to fill the time available for it to be finished" and that those...
Discover the result of the study carried out by N5 on the impact of the current health crisis and what are the predictions for the post-pandemic world.