What is the B2C trap and what is its effect on the Financial Industry?

September 2020 The team asked our CEO a series of questions. In this issue, he shares some of the results of one of the studies carried out by our Research team.

How was n5 born?

August 2020 The team asked our CEO a series of questions. In this delivery, a special edition for the birthday of N5

How can we aspire to have a better product than the competition, if we are much smaller?

September 2020 The team asked our CEO a series of questions. In this installment, they consulted the positioning of N5

What is the difference between running a consolidated traditional company and a fintech company?

July 2020 The team asked our CEO a series of questions. In this installment, banking and analytical models

The future of intermediaries in the financial industry

May 2020 Are indirect channels going to disappear in the banking industry? Why fintech innovates more than banking? Julian Colombo, CEO of N5, answers the five most voted questions this month.

Digitization and pandemic

June 2020 Julian Colombo, CEO of N5, answers questions posed by the Fortune 500 to the world's top CEOs. When is the economy going to reactivate? Will the corporate travel industry go back to what it was?

Meet Erika Romanczuk

We introduce you to one of our teammates! Get to know Erika in this video in which we ask her about life at N5 as a Backend developer.

Interviewing María Bellati, Operations Director

Meet our team! María Bellati, Operations Director at N5 tells us about her experience in the company, how she got to here and details about her day to day!

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