How to integrate the unbanked

Our CEO, Julián Colombo, CEO N5, participated in the panel How to integrate the unbanked within the framework of the Digital Money Meeting event. In it, he debated with other renowned professionals to reflect on fintechs and financial inclusion

Poking Your Eye, when digital prevents you from seeing reality!

Talk given by our CEO, Julián Colombo, at the opening of the Digital Banking & Fintech Forum of the 7th CONGRESS OF TECHNOLOGY AND BUSINESS AMERICA DIGITAL MEXICO 2022

María Bellati: Importance of the Human Factor in Digital Banking

Learn about the impact of the Human Factor within Digital Banking and how team motivation influences Customer Service

Latin America Fintech Statistics

Latin America Fintech Statistics

Impact of Virtual Money: Transforming the Digital Economy

Explore how virtual money is redefining financial paradigms in our latest post. Discover the advantages, risks and future potential of digital currencies in the global economy. Ideal for financial professionals and enthusiasts seeking to understand the dynamics of virtual money and its impact on transactions and economic security."

Maldito e-mail: 8,5 malas prácticas con el correo electrónico (2/2)

Parte 2!!! El título habla por sí solo. Cualquier persona que utilice email tiene que leer esta nueva entrada de Alberto!

How to climb in a company one photocopy at a time, or the legend of the drummer cat

We were 33 in an auditorium for a thousand people. The president of the largest financial group in Europe, on a two-day trip to Latin America, fulfilled his rigorous routine of dedicating an hour to...

How to play in the NBA or why no one is truly happy working in technology II

In this post, our CEO continues to tell us about his analogy between NBA basketball and technology employees.

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