
Inteligencia Artificial: desde la perspectiva de un especialista

Explore an expert’s perspective on Artificial Intelligence: its evolution, impact on the job market, and how it is revolutionizing the world with innovative solutions.

Work 2025: they predict what will be the profile of the most in-demand knowledge of the year among companies

In a context of growing demand for technological positions in the country, a specific role stands out for its ability to boost company teams

¿What do successful people read?: 7 books that will help you grow as an entrepreneur

Entrepreneurs share the readings that shaped their path to success. Discover the books, secrets, and advice that helped them build their businesses.

Artificial Intelligence: from the Apocalypse to the Messi in us

Discover how the AI-powered "PEP," inspired by Pep Guardiola, is revolutionizing the workplace by enhancing skills, guiding learning, and personalizing training to help workers become the best version of themselves.

In the age of artificial intelligence: what is the value that talents bring?

Discover how Artificial Intelligence is shaping the future of customer service and creating new career opportunities.

What does 2025 have in store for fintechs? Check out the experts’ predictions

Descubre las predicciones de los expertos sobre el futuro de las fintechs en 2025 y cómo influirán en el sector financiero.

2025, the Year of the Most Human and Personalized AI

Discover how algorithms are revolutionizing the financial industry, moving beyond generic solutions and focusing on specialization and human interaction. Opinion by Julián Colombo, CEO of N5.

How AI is Transforming the Financial Sector

Discover how N5, through its AIs, designed specifically for the industry, is being part of the transformation in the financial industry.

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