It's been a long time since I wrote the article on Parkinson's law. Yes, that sentence that states that "work expands to fill the time available for it to be finished" and that those...
Discover the result of the study carried out by N5 on the impact of the current health crisis and what are the predictions for the post-pandemic world.
In this article we explore the meaning and importance of VUCA environments in today's business and personal world. Learn to identify and adapt to the volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity that define our time. Discover effective strategies to lead and thrive in constantly changing contexts. Ideal for leaders and professionals seeking excellence in decision making.
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Guillermo Monge, implementations director at N5 shares his experiences in the company, context insight and even some advice for those starting off their careers!
The post-pandemic financial sector: crisis or Annus Mirabilis?
What we call History is just the record of the quantum events that have disproportionate impact on the development of humanity. Among these events we find wars,...