With Diego San Esteban, Director of Business Development, N5 Now

"We believe that human attention is not going to disappear from the industry but rather it is going to be digitized, we seek to digitize the human"

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He found a mistake in the banks and created the best start-up in Latin America

Julián Colombo is one of the founders of N5 Now, a platform designed exclusively for banks, insurance companies and fintech companies that seeks to improve their productivity and interaction with their clients. Why the human prevails over the strictly digital and what vision do you have about the future of the sector.

N5 Now: awarded for the second consecutive year by Microsoft (it will start an investment round with top-level players)

The company founded by Argentines, and developer of software for Fintechs, Banks and Insurers, was distinguished by the technological giant once again for its N5 Commercial Platform, which ensures its users a growth in their productivity and an improvement in satisfaction the client's.tecnológico una vez más por su plataforma N5 Commercial Platform, la cual asegura a sus usuarios un crecimiento en su productividad y una mejora de la satisfacción del cliente.

Collections software

Get to know in depth, the scope of our software!!!

N5 Now will start an investment round to leverage its expansion plans

The fintech exceeded 2 million dollars in annual revenue, and Julian Colombo, CEO of N5 Now, said "we feel that it is time to incorporate strategic allies that allow us to scale a very solid and efficient model."

Microsoft Awards Us For The Second Consecutive Year As The Best Platform

At N5 we are proud to announce that we were awarded once again by Microsoft as "Best Platform 22" for being the only ones whose platform is designed for Open Finance. The tribute will take place at the Microsoft Inspire event between July 19 and 20

This fintech created by seven Argentines was distinguished once again by Microsoft

This time, N5 Now was recognized as "Best Platform 22", for being the only one designed for Openfinance. She will be honored at the second edition of the Microsoft Inspire event, which will take place between July 19 and 20