Exor, Elkann focuses on an Argentine startup. The round with financial giants

Exor continues to diversify, the new investment of Elkann-Agnelli concerns banks and insurance companies: choice one startup argentina for this new business. Through its venture capital arm, Exor Ventures, the group – we read in Milano Finanza – took part in a round of N5 Now, a South American software company for the financial sector founded in August 2017 by a group of former Banco Santander bankers. Exor Ventures wasn’t the only big one to believe in the company, because nel round some of them also participated largest investment banks in the world. Among the new investors is, in fact, Illuminate Financial Management, a venture capital company whose limited partners (i.e. investors) include giants of the caliber of Jp MorganCiti, BarclaysBny Mellon, S&P Global, Jefferies.
Alongside them, they have also invested in N5 Now Madrone Capital Partnersa private equity firm associated with the Walton family, majority partners of WalmartLts Investments, the family investment holding company Lehmann, Telles and Sicupiraand ArpexCapital, the investment arm of Andre Street and Eduardo Pontes, founders of StoneCoa cloud-based Brazilian online payment processor that raised $1.5 billion with an IPO in 2018.
N5 Now – continues Milano Finanza – it has some global clients including Mastercard, Santander, Credicorp, Zurich Insurance, Atlas Bank, N26 and Sudameris. There startup offers various solutions via its platform, allowing its customers to reach the full digitalisation, regardless of their technological starting point and is recognized as the only ready-made platform for open banking. The N5 Now platform integrates on back-end channelsprocesses and systems that are usually isolated, such as CRM, incentives and omnichannel.