Basa’s agreement with N5 Now will allow a better experience for its customers


Last week, N5 signed a contract with Basa, one of the main banks in the Paraguayan market, to together offer a better experience to the bank’s customers. The news was highlighted in one of the country’s main media outlets, highlighting the importance of this agreement between the companies.

In this article, we will share in its entirety the note published by La Nación, which highlights this moment of change in the bank, which seeks to enhance the experience of its clients with the support of the N5 Now platform. Join us to learn all the details about this promising alliance.

Last Thursday, January 25, the signing of the agreement between Banco Basa and N5 Now took place at Basa’s headquarters. Through this agreement, we seek to enhance the customer experience with better technologies.

The idea is to implement the N5 Now platform, which has a technology that allows you to create an efficient, effective and powerful connection with customers, adding value and accelerating growth. The service integrates: CRM, incentives, open finance, real-time campaigns, analytics and omnichannel service.

In addition, this tool offers precise guidance for: customer journey management, sales and service workflow, dashboards and reports, universal integration with the central banking engine and other legacy systems and data, campaign management, decision management, and mobile app for integrated onboarding across channels. In this way, Basa reaffirms its commitment to the quality of its service for its customers through state-of-the-art technology.

On behalf of Basa, the representatives were Mr. Gustavo García, manager of the information technology division and Mr. Germán Rojas, president of the entity; from the ally, Diego San Esteban, AI consulting specialist, participated.


About N5 Now, they highlight that it is an omnichannel solution, that is, it seeks to unify all the points of contact of a company that provides an interconnected experience between customers and employees, thus valuing that experience over the product. This platform was designed for banks, insurance companies, digital payment companies, among other financial institutions.

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