How will the growth of the N5 Brasil unit be?

October 2020 The team asked our CEO a series of questions. In this installment, special edition for the Brazilian team!

What books does our CEO Julián Colombo recommend reading?

April 2021 The N5now team asked our CEO a series of questions. In this installment, Julián was asked about recommendations when choosing which book

What do you like most about your day to day at N5?

March 2021 The team asked Julián Colombo, CEO of N5, about his tastes. Let's see the answers in this new installment

Meet Facundo Posse

Knowing our team. We present Facundo, Full Stack Ssr. Developer, of N5, who tells us a little about his life at N5

Meet Nicolás Tiseira

Knowing our team. We present Nicolás Tiseira, Leader of the Argentina Technology Hub, of the N5 team, who tells us a little about his life at N5

Interview with Federico Dudelsack, Project Manager

Meet our team! Federico Dudelsack, Project Manager at N5 tells us about his experience in the company, how he came to the company and details about his day to day.

Meet Roberth Dudiver

Introducing Roberth, Back-end Developer Ssr from the N5 team, who tells us a bit about his life at N5

Meet Stefany Carballo

Introducing Stefy, Frontend Developer from the N5 team, who tells us a bit about her life at N5

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