
He treated his soldiers with respect

It was common to see him among the troops listening to their needs. Today, how many of the top executives of a company spend time with their workers listening to them to improve their performance? One of the skills of a leader is to have closeness and knowledge about the people he leads.}

He knew when to resort to diplomacy and when to battle

He didn’t always look for battle. Rather, he was a skillful politician, who sought diplomacy first in order to gain favor with others, both in Macedonia and in the conquered places. For example: When he dominated the mighty Persian empire, he appointed the locals themselves satraps of the provinces. However, when there were attempts to overthrow him, he was relentless.

He Motivated His Men

This was essential to have come this far. Involving his men in the loot, he made sure that they wanted to follow him to conquer new territories.

It is important that the leader rewards the team members (not only financially), especially when good deals are done and hard work was done to achieve them. This is a valuable encouragement for them to continue giving their best in the future.

He kept his army disciplined and with strategic vision

Discipline is organization, coordination, strength to face the hard battlefield. It’s sticking with the formation despite how chaotic the battlefield often becomes. And these formations had a function, in such a way, that they provided an advantage over the enemy.

Today, having and maintaining well-disciplined organizations, with teams that fulfill a strategic purpose, is imperative.

He always fought alongside his men

He was a skilled horseman, and he was always at the forefront commanding his soldiers. This allowed him to have a more precise knowledge of the battle. But he also inspired admiration and respect in his troops and motivated them to keep fighting when things got desperate.

How many leaders can say that they work together with their team instead of from a safe place?

Bonuses. He ruled over subjects of the most diverse origins

He ruled the Greek world, then spread to the Persian world and as far as India. Maintaining the unity of the empire was not an easy task, in fact, after his death, it fell apart until it fell apart.

For a leader, being able to deal with all kinds of people is crucial. In organizations that may be made up of people from different cultural and socioeconomic backgrounds, having the ability to relate to them facilitates communication and promotes mutual understanding.

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