
Understand that people exist to help each other

Marco believed that although there will always be people who live selfishly and want to destroy others, humanity is destined to live in harmony. “We came into the world for the good of others.”

Within society, leaders like him arise, and it is the duty of these leaders to be guardians of his followers.

Being aware of the humanity of others

Remember that each of your followers, each of your superiors and each of your enemies is a human being who eats and sleeps, and so on. It sounds obvious, but it’s easy to underestimate or magnify the importance of others when you’re making a decision about them.

Remember that every person has dignity and pride.

Realize that many mistakes are the result of ignorance

When a person makes a decision that offends you, Marco writes, first consider that he was “right to do it” in the sense that he is acting in a way that is morally acceptable, even if it goes against your own interest.

However, if they are behaving reprehensibly, he considers his actions to be based on ignorance. When dealing with his followers, the lesson or punishment should be done in an educational manner.

Don’t get too excited

It’s true that leaders need to take their leadership roles seriously, but not in a way that makes them feel divine.

Remember: “You’ve made enough mistakes yourself,” writes Marco. “You are like them.” And if you’ve managed to avoid some of the mistakes your followers make, also recognize that you have the potential to fail and do even worse.

Avoid snap judgments about the actions of others.

Sometimes, what you initially perceive as the mistakes of your followers, in your competitors can turn out to be more deliberate than you think.

“Many things are means to some other end. You have to know a lot before you can judge other people’s actions with any real understanding.”

Maintain self control

While it is natural to react to an offense by losing your temper or even becoming irritated, it is by no means constructive. To maintain control over your emotions, Marco writes, remember that life is short.

You can choose to spend your time and energy on things that have already happened, or you can choose to be calm and address any issues that arise.

Recognize that others can hurt you only if you let them.

Think of a time when someone insulted you, for example. You made the choice to let their words hurt you, when you could have pitied this person for being ignorant or rude.

The only actions that should really hurt you, Marco writes, are the things you do that are shameful, since you are in control of your own self-esteem and values.

Remember that pessimism can easily take over you

It’s common to have strong emotional reactions to upsets, but behaving in this way only prevents you from addressing the challenges that arise and fills you with powerful negative thoughts.

“How much more damage does anger and pain than the thing that causes them.”

Practice kindness

Sincere kindness is “invincible” and more powerful than any negative transgression, Marco writes. It takes a strong leader to let go of ego and harmful emotions and behave with compassion.

“What can even the most vicious person do, if you continue to treat him kindly and gently set him straight—if you get the chance—by cheerfully correcting him at the exact moment he is trying to hurt you?”

Don’t expect bad people to exempt you from their destructive ways.

While great leaders may go to great lengths to be constructive and compassionate, you must also understand that there are those who find meaning in simply destroying others.

It is not only foolish, Marco writes, but ‘the act of a tyrant’ to think that you can change people or persuade them to treat you differently.

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