¡N5 presents FIN SKY!


From academic theory to the real world: N5 Presents the first ‘FIN SKY’, AIs that will change the future of the financial industry

Meet Alfred, Pep and Singular: Your New Strategic Partners for Innovation and Financial Inclusion

Innovation continues to be the beacon that guides progress in the financial industry, and we at N5 are proud to be at the forefront of this transformation. Recently, we officially announced at a global event, our three new hyper-vertical Artificial Intelligence solutions for the financial sector: Alfred, Pep and Singular.

These AIs are not just advanced technological tools; They are strategic partners, designed to elevate organizational capacity and financial inclusion to levels never seen before.

Review in its entirety the event held on July 4, where our CEO and founder, Julian Colombo, presented in more detail the functionalities and disruptive potential of each of our new AIs.


Alfred: The Virtual Assistant that transforms every executive into a superhero

Inspired by Batman’s iconic butler, he is designed to be more than a virtual assistant. He is a driving force transforming executives into business superheroes, equipping them with advanced tools and real-time insights that enable superior decision making and more effective resource management.

He is capable of performing all the tasks of an executive, with the advantage of being 100 times faster. In addition, he is trained to answer all the executive’s questions about the organization’s products, procedures, software tools, among others, always with internal information, guaranteeing accuracy and security of the data.

Pep: The Virtual Coach that enables each executive to be the best version of themselves

Like renowned soccer coach Pep Guardiola, our AI Pep acts to improve the performance of professionals. He is a mentor who evaluates employee performance, learns from the best human executives and teaches others, preparing them to always achieve better results.

Its true impact is in providing specific tools that help executives perform their tasks in the best possible way. Pep not only instructs on products, but also guides on which customers should be contacted and how to approach them effectively. The AI ​​even teaches specific phrases to use in interactions, ensuring that all knowledge is derived from best practices adopted by the organization’s top professionals.

Singular: the combination of Alfred and Pep, who becomes an Executive for the end client

Unlike a chatbot, which works reactively, waiting for a customer to ask something, this AI is a specialist in selling products, collecting arrears, advising on investments, tax planning, among others, proactively. Its ability to manage thousands of clients simultaneously not only increases the efficiency and capacity of customer service, but also allows a financial institution to increase its client base, offering financial services and products that really make sense for them.

The new N5 AIs can be integrated into any core, CRM and/or BPM system of the institution, in addition to having data and information independence for maximum security, that is, they do not communicate with other AIs or the Internet, also reducing the ‘ hallucinations’, guaranteeing precision in their responses.

Talk to one of our specialists now and find out how to boost your business quickly: https://n5now.com/schedule-demo/

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