The digital medical record is already law and implementation advances


The Single Federal Program for Computerization and Digitization of Medical Records of the Argentine Republic will be created, which was sanctioned on February 28, with the objective of the program is to establish, progressively, the system that will record all medical-health interventions to charge of health professionals and assistants.

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The digital medical record is an electronic record of a patient’s medical information, including information about their medical history, test results, diagnoses, and treatments. This information is stored securely and accessible by authorized medical personnel, and may be shared among healthcare providers to improve coordination of care.

In many countries, including Argentina, laws have been implemented to regulate the implementation of digital medical records and guarantee the privacy and security of patient information. The implementation of the digital medical record can improve the efficiency and quality of medical care, reduce medical errors and improve communication between healthcare providers.

The Government promulgated the law that seeks to establish the obligation for patients to have free access to their medical records through a digitized system throughout the country. –

It did so through Decree 144/2023 published in the Official Gazette with the signatures of President Alberto Fernández, the Chief of Staff, Agustín Rossi, and the Minister of Health, Carla Vizzotti.

Law 27706 that creates the Single Federal Program for Computerization and Digitization of Medical Records of the Argentine Republic was sanctioned on February 28.

The application authority must determine the technical and operational characteristics of the computerization and digitization of medical records

The objective of the program is to establish, progressively, the Unique Electronic Clinical Record Registration System, respecting the provisions of Law 26,529 on Patient Rights in its relationship with Health Professionals and Institutions and by Law 25,326 on Protection of Personal Data and its amendments.

Said system will record any medical-sanitary intervention by health professionals and auxiliaries, which is provided in the national territory, either in public establishments of the health system of national, provincial or municipal jurisdiction, and of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, as well as in private and social security establishments.

The Unique Electronic Clinical Record Registration System must contain the clinical data of the person or patient, clearly and easily understood, from birth to death.

“The information provided cannot be altered, without the pertinent modification being registered, even in the event that it was intended to correct an error in accordance with the provisions of Law 25,326 on the Protection of Personal Data and its amendments,” the law states. .

Another point of the fixed standard is that the Unique Electronic Clinical Record Registration System guarantees patients and health professionals access to a database of clinical information relevant to the health care of each patient from anywhere in the national territory, assuring him that the consultation of his data will be restricted to whoever is authorized.

The system guarantees access to a database of clinical information relevant to the health care of each patient from anywhere in the national territory.

The law establishes that the national government must put this system into operation where the implementation of this program must be organized in conjunction with the provinces and the district of Buenos Aires. – TELAM SE 2022. The use of this content without citing the authorship of TELAM is expressly prohibited, the omission of this requirement is in violation of the Legal Regime of Intellectual Property, Law 11,723. which enables the claim of our rights through the courts.

The application authority must also determine the technical and operational characteristics of the computerization and digitalization of the medical records of the health system of the Argentine Republic. –

In addition, you will have to develop a clinical record upload protocol, as well as design and implement clinical record software coordinating interjurisdictional implementation and install the software free of charge in all public, national, provincial and municipal hospitals.

In addition, provide technical and financial assistance to the provincial jurisdictions and the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, to meet the objectives of this law.

With N5Labs you can implement quickly and very simply

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