“Fin Sky”: The Generation of Artificial Intelligence Redefining the Financial Sector”


Learn how this innovation can transform security and efficiency in the financial sector in an unprecedented way

The financial market is always on the lookout for innovation to meet the increasingly complex demands of its clients. And now, a new term is starting to gain prominence in the sector: Fin Sky (Financial Self-contained Artificial Intelligence). With global investment in artificial intelligence expected to exceed $200 billion by 2025, according to the IDC Worldwide Artificial Intelligence Spending Guide, Fin Skys promise to be the next big revolution, combining innovation and security in AI solutions designed exclusively for the financial market.


The concept of Fin Sky has its roots in the academic world and in the ongoing discussion about the need for artificial intelligence (AI) dedicated to the financial sector. For years, experts theorized about creating AI that was not only precise but also capable of operating independently and self-sufficiently, given that the financial market presents unique challenges that require a highly specialized approach. However, it took the evolution of technology to turn this idea into reality.

Fin Sky represents a significant advancement in this field. Traditional generative artificial intelligences, as we know them today, are not ideal for the financial industry. They face critical security and accuracy issues — two essential pillars for any financial institution. N5, a multinational recognized as one of the leaders in technology for the financial sector in 18 countries, was the pioneer in translating this theory into practice. With an investment of $50 million, the company developed the world’s first Fin Skys, putting these innovative solutions to the test in the global market.


The term “Fin Sky” can be broken down for a better understanding:

FIN = Financial: Unlike conventional artificial intelligences, which offer broad, general-knowledge responses, Fin Sky is hyper-vertical. This means it is designed exclusively for the financial sector, ignoring information that is not relevant to the industry. For example, while a common AI might answer general questions like “Who won the last football championship?”, Fin Sky focuses solely on crucial and relevant financial data.

SC = Self-contained: Is the key to the Fin Sky concept. A self-contained AI cannot interact with external sources in ways that might compromise ultra-private data. Imagine a customer asking their bank about the difference between a Gold and a Platinum card. A common AI would search for this information across hundreds of sources, resulting in a generic answer. Fin Sky, on the other hand, understands that the customer is referring to the bank’s specific cards and responds based on the bank’s internal, secure data. Accuracy is fundamental.

AI = Artificial Intelligence: A field of computer science that develops systems capable of performing tasks that usually require human intelligence, such as understanding natural language, recognizing patterns, making decisions, and solving problems. These systems are trained to learn from data, adapt to new information, and improve their performance over time.

This new generation of artificial intelligence represents a paradigm shift in the use of technology in the financial industry. They are not just an extension of what already exists but a new way of thinking about how technology can be used to increase security, optimize revenues, enhance customer satisfaction, and minimize costs and risks.

While this is just the beginning, the expectation is that these solutions will soon be present in every financial institution worldwide, redefining how we interact with money and financial services.

Don’t miss out on this revolution — speak with one of our specialists today and discover how to take your business to the next level with Alfred, Pep, and Singular, the world’s first Fin Skys. https://n5now.com/schedule-demo/

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