María Bellati: Importance of the Human Factor in Digital Banking



Talk with Maria Bellati

In a talk during the 7th Latin American technology and business congress digital america mexico 2022, María Bellati, Operations and Marketing Manager at N5, explained the importance of the human factor even in digital banks and talked about how to encourage employees to achieve better service.

Why are incentives important in modern organizations? What is the weight of the human factor in customer service? What makes the N5 platform special?

All this and more in this interview.


Incentives: Motivated Team and Better Customer Service

Sometimes technology blinds companies and makes them believe that the human factor can be easily replaced with bots with programmed responses. However, this couldn’t be further from the truth.

The human factor continues to be a fundamental part of all organizations. The complexity of the functions that a bank has to offer cannot be reduced to mere automation.

During the interview, the AD News TV representative asked María about the incentive system that makes N5 a unique platform and how it allows banks to offer better customer service.

To this, María replies: “In recent times, even fully digital banks have begun to hire teams for claims management and customer service. Especially for those of high value to the bank.”

According to María, this even goes beyond the bank’s decisions. In some geographies, having human service teams is even mandatory by regulation. She mentions the case of Brazil, for example, where it is mandatory that claims management be handled by humans.

“This means that the financial industry still needs to have human teams and, therefore, has to know how to manage incentives to maximize its commercial productivity.”

This is when the N5 team identified an opportunity by discovering that the existing tools on the market for managing incentives were archaic, very manual, rudimentary, or totally general and not at all specialized in the financial industry.

María comments: “There we understood that our know-how in banking and technology achieve a perfect synergy to satisfy this need and we created the best incentive

Strategies for Incentives

When the AD News TV representative asks Maria if there is any formula for incentives, she replies that “goal-incentive-objective setting has very manual components and non-obvious complexities.”

In other words, it is not simply a formula that can be applied generally to everything. It requires a complex system that takes into account multiple variables.

In the case of a bank, for example, there are several systems. Maria mentions some:

In the banking industry there are two models, the administrator and the promoter. When one thinks of an incentive system, one thinks of rewarding the person who sold it, but in this case it is not like that. In banking, there are many banks that have customer portfolios. So whoever is the “owner” of a client receives for the profitability of the portfolio, regardless of whether it was that same person who made the sale or not.

  • There is also the issue of the frequency in reporting progress on goals. There are incentive systems that are monthly, weekly, or daily. The N5 is in real time. Anyone can access to see the rankings or the progress of their goals at any time.
  • The N5 platform also understands how to distribute your goals based on the sales target elasticity curves that your partners have. Motivation is not forever increasing, it has an optimum after which it begins to decline, and the system has to take this into account.

These are three examples, but there are thousands that are less obvious and all are covered by the N5 platform.

The Importance of specialized software

After the explanation about what makes the incentive system of the N5 platform unique, came the question about the impact that all these measures have on an organization.

To this, Maria replied:

“A change in a bank’s incentive system has a ripple-effect or wave effect. Any change there has a huge impact not only but in all areas of the organization.”

“One of the customers has now reported a 24% increase in business productivity from this cause. It is very difficult, or highly unlikely, to achieve these effects at this speed otherwise.”

The advantages of this do not stop there. A change like this also has a strong impact on various fields of action, such as the manual loading of information. In this case, N5 has seen situations in which the amount of work for this type of task is reduced by 87%.

Freed from that heavy workload, people can now concentrate on matters with a greater impact for the organization, such as strategies and productivity improvement.

The ideal N5 client

A very interesting question is about the ideal client of N5. What kind of organization would benefit from such a system?

As Maria explained, the ideal client of N5 is those who seek to achieve this type of impact for their organization in a range of 30-100 days.

N5 currently has very diverse clients, inside and outside the financial industry:

  • Multinationals such as Santander- Mastercard – Itaú – Sura
  • Regional companies such as Fundación Dondé in the Southeast of Mexico, medium-sized insurers with about 50 employees
  • Hospitals that want to manage their teams

As can be seen, any industry can benefit from this product as long as it seeks to optimize its processes.

Contact N5

Those who want to contact the N5 team can do so through the web. They can even schedule demos to see the details of the platform and its different implementations.


As you have seen on this occasion, today it is more important than ever to be able to give people personalized attention. Here are some of the main points to remember about the interview:

  • Incentivizing employees is ideal when it comes to improving the attention and efficiency with which they serve the public
  • Depending on the industry, incentive systems have multiple variables to take into account
  • Specialized software, not general software, is necessary when creating incentive systems that really interest employees
  • Companies that successfully empower their employees with the N5 platform are able to increase productivity and reduce unnecessary manual workload.
  • The ideal N5 client can come from any industry, as long as they are interested in improving their incentives and optimizing employee productivity.

Editorial: Marcelo Frette


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